Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Camino Day 9 - September 15

Today we walked from Naverrete to Najera. We planned for this to be a shorter day, and only walked  16.5 km. It was nice to have a shorter day..  This was also the first day we walked in rain. The weather has been sunny and hot, but not too bad for walking. Today, just as we were getting ready to leave town, the rain started. We stopped to put on rain jackets and pack covers, and carried on. It rained for the first two hours of our journey. Our gear kept us pretty dry, but walking in the rain still took an extra effort. We were also walking across red clay hills, which means red clay mud. It was thick and slippery, so we really had to watch our step carefully. After two hours, the rain stopped, just as we arrived at a town, where we stopped for brunch. During brunch, our coats and pack covers dried off, and we packed up and left in the sunshine.

We arrived early than usual at our destination today, due to a shorter distance travelled. As we were walking into Najera, we were greeted by another brass marching band.. Another festival day! This one was really festive - it was their annual holiday of the town.. There were bands and banners hanging and confetti all over town from the afternoon festivities.. We checked into an albergue (a very nice, new one). We were again in a room for 4, and this time not in bunk beds.. What a treat to all sleep on floor level!

In the evening, we went out for supper, and while eating supper, the band started circulating again, and someone told us fireworks were at 11pm.. Well, the party started for real at 9pm. We were getting ready for bed, and could hear music that sounded like it was under our window.. The bands played all night. The people chanted and sang along. I slept through it easily, woke with a start when the fireworks began, then quickly back to sleep. When we awoke at 6:30, people were still singing.. The noise didn´t stop until 7.30am, as we were getting ready to leave. The fiestas here are definitely festive! All ages were out very late.. It was pretty fun, and the joyful energy was infectious!

Loving Spain so far, even the noisy all-night fiestas!
Blessings to you all,

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