Saturday, September 20, 2014

Camino Day 11 - September 17

Today we walked about 23 km from Santo Domingo de la Calzada to Belorado. I had a really bad sleep through the night because I was overheated, and because of some especially noisy fellow pilgrims partying outside.. I finally fell asleep, and slept briefly until the rooster crowed at 5am.. So, the walking was longer and harder because I was tired.. Some days are just like that, and some are definitely better - and easier - than others..

The highlight today was definitely as we approached Belorado.. We were walking on a path fairly close to the main road, and as we walked, three separate vehicles honked their horns several times, and waved out their windows to each group of pilgrims.. A scooter, a car, and a transport truck all honked and waved fairly enthusiastically as they passed us.. It was a nice greeting!

In Belorado, we found a small albergue (hostel) run by a very kind woman.. Only about 16 beds in the sleeping area, and only 10 of us staying there.. It was very quiet, and she shut the light off at 9:30pm because we were all in bed.. I had a great sleep there, which really helped balance out the night before..

Incidentally, for those of you wondering, this quiet, clean, lovely hostel cost 5 euros per person.. About 7 or 8 Canadian dollars.. 

Thinking of you all, and hoping you are keeping well,

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