Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Camino Day 10 - September 16

It is so, so hard to believe that we´re already on day 10 of this amazing journey.. Today we travelled from Najera to Santo Domingo de la Calzada, which is just over 21 km. We made 21 km in 7 hours, which is pretty good for us. Sounds slow, but in heat, climbing hills, and with 20 pounds on our backs, it was a pretty fast day. It was another harder walking day for me, only because I have acquired a blister between two of my toes.. It is settling down, but I can feel the rubbing while I walk, and probably try to compensate for it, so wind up with extra sore feet. But, the walking itself was good.. Rob said to me a few days ago that I´m either getting faster, more determined, or both.. The hill climbing is getting easier for me. Today, we had two big hill stretches. The rest was fairly straight. All day yesterday and the first part of today, we were walking through wine country - La Rioja region. Today, the vineyards slowly disappeared and the wheat fields emerged.. It´s amazing to see the landscape change so significantly in a day.. We saw scenes that we might see at home - wheat, tractors, other farm machinery.. Except for the hills, it might have looked just like our corner of the world..

We arrived in Santo Domingo and checked into a huge, and modern albergue. They have computer room and big lounges for the guests.. Very different than some other places. As we settled into our room, we could only hear one thing.. Chickens.. There is a big coop out back in the garden.. Chickens.. Apparently, there is a story in this town of a man long ago who was eating a chicken, and it came to life. So, chickens are everywhere here.. We saw all sorts of chicken things for sale in stores, and there is a chicken festival later this month. It´s pretty funny.. After supper, Rob and I treated ourselves to pastries for dessert (first time), and I had a special chicken-shaped pastry filled with apricot jam.. So good.. I can only hope that the live chickens here don´t "sing" all night..

I don´t know when I´ll next find a computer.. I´ll update as I can.. Know that we are healthy and well, and both enjoying this journey. It is challenging, but rewarding in so many ways. I am loving the people, the scenery, the food, the strange lore of the towns, and the spirit of the local people. It´s been an incredible ten days! We are about one quarter of the way through.. And on we go tomorrow..

Blessings, and buenas noches (goodnight),

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