Saturday, September 6, 2014

About to begin!

Finally a computer and a chance to post.. We arrived safely in France, and had a good few days in Paris.. Spent a day walking around and seeing the sights, and spent another day at the Louvre.. We loved our short stay in Paris, but left this morning to go by train and bus to St. Jean Pied de Port, where we will start our pilgrimage tomorrow morning. This is an amazing little town (google it if you wish to see for yourself).. I hope to get some pictures posted eventually.. There are lots of pilgrims here from many different countries.. And all ages too! We look so forward to officially beginning our journey tomorrow, although it is supposed to be 29 degrees and 98% relative humidity.. This adventure has been a year and a half in the planning, and it is finally here! It seems surreal, and we are really excited about it! We are safe and healthy and well.. Think of us tomorrow as we are climbing mountains!

More from me again soon, I hope..

Blessings to you all,


  1. So thrilled that you made it and am enjoying beautiful France! I am starting my walk with you tomorrow, part of the way physically, 100% with you spiritually! Enjoy and breathe!

  2. Praying for you and Rob that you may enjoy great spiritual blessings during your pilgrimage. May you also enjoy good health and rich new friendships.
