Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Camino Day 14 - September 20

Today, we took our first rest day of the Camino. No walking today, except around Burgos. We were glad for a slower day, when we could sleep in and do as we chose in this great city.. Burgos is really beautiful! Rich history, and lots of incredible architecture. The Burgos Cathedral is definitely the highlight. I don´t know how big it is, but it´s really massive.. Some of its smallest chapels are larger than St. Andrew´s, where I am in ministry, and there are many, many chapels and other spaces in this cathedral. It was built, i believe, in the 1100s, I believe.. Hard to believe the history in some of these places.. The cathedral is ornate beyond belief.. Each room is full of sculptures, stained glass, woodwork (lots of intricately carved walnut), and other art.. In one of the rooms, there was even a painting of Mary Magdalene done by a little-known painter by the name of Leonardo da Vinci.. Admission to the cathedral also included a little contraption that looked like a cell phone of the 90s.. Ours were set to English, and had narration you could listen to in each of the rooms. The narration was extremely well done, and the process easy to follow.. We thoroughly enjoyed the whole cathedral experience.
We did some other looking around town, had a nap, and went for supper. It was a good and leisurely day off.. After 13 straight days of walking, this was exactly the kind of day we needed and had hoped for..
Hope you all are well..

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