Thursday, September 25, 2014

Camino Day 19 - September 25

Today, we passed the 400 km mark. Hard to believe. We walked from Carrion de los Condes to Terradillos de los Templarios, for a total today of about 27 km. It was a big day, a longer day, and a bit of a challenging one for me. Once we left Carrion de los Condes, we had 17 km of wide open space. No villages, and very little change in the scenery. We passed two small picnic areas, but that was it. It was a bit of a mental challenge for me, and (graphic content warning) a definite challenge for my bladder.. It took us about 4 hours to get to the next community. That is the longest stretch we have walked without a break, and when the first village came into view, I was really ecstatic.. I think everyone was.. The one bar in that little town was hopping, as many pilgrims were seeking a bathroom, a drink, or some food. After a short lunch break, we carried on, and reached Terradillos de los Templarios about 3 hours later. 

There were two possible routes into Terradillos, and we chose the farm track, instead of the highway. That brought us right to one of the two albergues in town. And it was full. So, we and the man who had arrived right behind us (and who had walked further than us today) walked fairly swiftly to the other albergue at the other end of town. And wouldn´t you know it, we three got the last three beds. Talk about good timing.. I do feel badly, though, for all of the other pilgrims arriving after long days only to find the town full.. It only has the two albergues.. No guesthouses or bed & breakfasts or hotels.. 

The other man (from Germany) was so relieved to get the last bed. We are in a room of four, and he is one of our roommates. Our other roommate is from Italy. When he found out we were from Canada, he asked if we knew of some Canadian musicians he really likes - Bruce Cockburn and Serena Ryder.. We certainly know them both.. It´s our kind of music, we´ve heard them both in concert, and Serena is one of my very favourites!

Aside from a long day, we are really fine.. Our feet are always achy at the end of the day, and we only hope that our room for the night is not up three flights of stairs.. Stairs are almost impossible after many hours of walking.. Rob is also dealing with a couple of blisters, but for the most part, we are really well.. Healthy and enjoying this journey.

Thanks for all your good wishes!
and blessings,

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