Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Camino Day 5 - September 11

Today, we walked from Obanos to Estella.. It was 26.5 km, so a longer day, but a much better day for me.. I was feeling better, and there was a bit mroe movement in the air. Still a hot day, and not much shade, but a good walking day..

Estella (pronounced Es-tay-ah) is a larger city.. So, lots of places to stay.. But, because it was a long walking day (longer distance), we got in late and two of the albergues were already full.. We tried a third, and they had beds left! This place has some staff, but the volunteers were all from an organization for adults with mental challenges. They were incredibly kind and helpful folks (all of them), which made for a very nice stay..

Sometime yesterday, Rob had discovered that one of his hiking boots was coming apart at the seams.. He knew he needed new ones.. I found out later that his boots were 6 years old.. After getting checked into the albergue and showered and such, we set out to find new boots, and he found them, about 10 minutes before the store was due to close.. He tried on a few pairs and settled on the pair with the best fit.. They are working well for him.. The shop owner was SO, so excited to learn we were from Canada.. He had a Canadian flag on his shelf, and was eager to tell us how beautiful Canada is.. He was so over the top.. A definitely character, but very kind soul..

We had another fabulous supper tonight, at a place with a truly Spanish name, ¨The Diner¨. I had a great salad and vegetable stew.. While we ate outside in the main square, we were entertained by a young busker playing various pop hits on his trombone.. It was awesome!

Today felt like another good day.. It was good to cover so much ground..

Hope you all are well,

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