Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Camino Day 4 - September 10

It has been a while since I have been able to get to a computer.. Here come lots of updates.. I like to do daily posts so that I can add some pictures and maybe more details later..

Day 4.. We walked from Pamplona to Obanos - 22 km.. We had planned to walk a bit further, but didn´t make it.. It was a tough day for me today.. It was the first of our days in the open sun, with very little shade to be found.. It was about 33 degrees, and we were out for the day in the open, blistering sun.. The first part of the day included a steep climb up, and then a steep descent along very rocky ground.. From there, the path was straight, but hot.. There was very little breeze.. We were aiming for a community a few km further, but as we were approaching, I told Rob I just couldn·t make it.. I had had too much sun, despite drinking tonnes of water, and I just needed to stop.. We stopped in one community, and the one accommodation available was full, so we pushed on another km or so to the next place.. We stopped at the first place we found - a casa rural - like a guesthouse.. We didn·t even go as far as the albergue.. The very kind owner who spoke not a word of English was very kind to us. She made me sit, then got us a room, and did our laundry.. We had a private room and private bathroom.. It was the perfect day for this sort of arrangement.

We went out for supper to the one place in town serving food (the locals don·t eat until 9pm or later), and found a number of other pilgrims there, who invited us to join them.. We had a fabulous family-style meal together - garlic soup, a rice dish, then eggs for me and meat for the others.. It was a good end to a long and challenging day.. But challenges included, this journey is still so amazing.. Hard to put into words.. 

More from me soon,

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