Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Camino Day 24 - September 30

Today, we walked from Leon to Villadangos del Paramo. It was just over 20 km. It was the warmest morning we´ve had in a while, and it got to be quite hot by the afternoon. The first part of our morning was spent walking through Leon. Leon led right into neighbouring communities. We stopped a few km out - at Virgen del Camino -  for breakfast.  As we were leaving that community, the Camino split into two paths. One choice was the principal route, which is a little bit shorter, but runs mostly alongside the highway. The other choice was an alternate route, longer, but farther from main roads and more scenic. Both routes passed through various communities, and the two routes will meet up sometime tomorrow.
We had already chosen to go the principal route. We walked mostly on a dirt path close to the main highway, so there was a bit of traffic smell and noise.. But it was really quite fine. We had thought of carrying on to the next community beyond here (about another 6 km), but we were both feeling a little weary and ready to stop.
One of today´s highlights had nothing to do with the Camino.. We are staying at the municipal albergue here in Villadangos. Out front, there is a patio and lawn area with tables and picnic benches. Several of us were sitting out there after showers and laundry. There is also a large chestnut tree in the yard, and chestnuts all over the lawn. A small orange and white cat came by, and stayed quite a while. It was sort of friendly, but super playful.. It started playing with the chestnuts, batting them around, and chasing them. Rob spent probably half and hour tossing chestnuts at the cat, and the cat went nuts chasing them. It would chase for a while, then pick up a chestnut in its teeth, carry it under a table or near a tree, flop down, and play with it some more. It was hilarious to watch. Great entertainment for all of us after a long, hot day..
Hope you´ve had moments of delight in your day, as we have in ours.

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