Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Camino Day 6 - September 12

Today, we walked from Estella to Los Arcos, about 21 km. We had quite a walk through Estella to get out of the city, and then had a morning of climbing. After a lunch stop, we headed into what we knew would be a really long stretch without villages or fountains.. It was about 12 km of open, hot, dusty road.. There was a bit of a breeze blowing, but it was still pretty hot.. We made it to Los Arcos in good time, and came across a hostel called Albergue de la Fuente / Casa de Austria. We think it was operated by Austrian volunteers. We managed to get a room for 4 - us and two other people we´d seen on the road. We had our own balcony with clothesline.. It was great.. The huge plus of this albergue is that it had a ringer for the laundry.. The laundry was out in the garden.. Most days, we handwash our laundry in the sink, and then hang it to dry, hope it doesn´t rain, and hope the clothes are dry by morning. (We have to wash our walking clothes each day.. Very dusty and pretty smelly too..) At this place, after the sink wash, we got to put them through a ringer.. It saved us triple ringing by hand.. I can´t tell you how exciting this was! The excitement is definitely in the little things these days.. The laundry was well dry by the time we got back from supper.. And, supper was our first paella in Spain.. Tasty!

Blessings to you all,

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