Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Camino Day 3 - September 9

Day 3 of the Camino took us from Zubiri to Pamplona.. About 21 km.. Today was harder on the feet, due to a lot of city walking, but it was a much flatter day.. Not a lot of major climbing or descending.. It was a good day for me.. We arrived in about 8 1/2 hours, and that included stops along the way for lunch, a drink, and a few other breaks.. The weather continues to be hot, and the scenery fantastic.. The real highlight for me today was the people.. We met a couple of women last night and surprise, they are Canadian.. Further surprise, they are from Langley, which is where I grew up.. Small world..  We visited a lot, and did a "Langley picture" at lunchtime.. We have also been visiting with others from the US, England, Ireland, Australia, Korea, and Sweden..

The walk today took us through a couple of hamlets and a couple of cities, but there was also lots of open space.. As we walked through a long stretch of forest path, I found myself thinking, "When through the woods, and forest glades I wander...  O God, how great thou art..." 

We are now in Pamplona, where they do the running of the bulls.. To get into town, we crossed over a 15th century bridge, under the ramparts, and through an incredible arch.. The history and architecture is amazing.. We looked for a highly recommended vegetarian restaurant for supper, but unfortunately it was closed, so we found another great place nearby.. The main square was alive with music and there were people everywhere.. We ate at about 8:00, which is early here.. Most of the locals eat around 9:30 or 10pm.. So, as we were walking back to the albergue approaching 10 o clock, the restaurant patios were full of people eating.. 

Oh, one more story from today.. There are lots of communities to stop in which provide accommodation. Pamplona is a major destination for pilgrims.. So, when we arrived late this afternoon and headed for the municipal albergue, a fellow Canadian- from Harrison Hot Springs - stopped us and told us the albergue was full.. We made a beeline to one we had passed, only to get the very last two beds.. This albergue is less like a dormitory.. More expensive, but includes breakfast, free internet.. And big bonus - air conditioning.. Incidentally, when I say more expensive, I mean about 27 dollars per person instead of 10.. Still really inexpensive..

Anyhow, this is an incredible journey.. I am learning that I am stronger and can accomplish far more than I ever imagined.. Never thought I would climb a mountain, that is for sure.. 
I am so very grateful for this opportunity..

Blessings to you all..
More from me the next time I find a computer..

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