Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Camino Day 8 - September 14

Today, we walked about 21.5 km from Viana to Navarrete. Tiny issue this morning for me, as I opened my locker to find my pack was really wet.. I hadn´t totally emptied my water bladder (hydration system sounds nicer), and i guess the valve had turned open somehow and leaked the remaining water into my bag.. Nothing was damaged, and a good tip from a friend led me to borrow a hairdryer from the hostel volunteer. I dried out the hip belt, and was good to go. Today, we said goodbye to some friends as they were staying in Viana for the running of the bulls. We hadn´t been walking together, but had seen them multiple times over the past few days, often staying at the same albergues and eating some meals together. Bill from the US (Washington state), Tanya from Australia, and Jo and Lou from Canada (Langley!) have been good companions along the way.. We hope to meet up with them again some day..

Viana is not far from the larger city of Logrono (pop. 150,000). We spent much of the day walking through Logrono, which meant concrete. It was also really busy because there was a marathon on, so we didn´t get through the city as quickly as we had hoped. On the far side of the city, we walked through several connected parks, which were FULL of people - walking, cycling, roller blading, walking dogs.. We wondered why it was so busy, then realized it was Sunday.. We have lost all sense of days.. As we walked along the park paths, we encountered a family bike rally. Hundreds of cyclists of all ages, cycling down the path we were walking up. This is an in-joke for my family, but it was definitely a ¨thousands thundering down¨moment.

We had another private room tonight, which was a nice break from the busyness and chaos of the day.. today felt like a big of a tougher day, because the city walking was hard - especially on the feet.. But, all part of the journey..

Blessings to you all,

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