Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Camino Day 23 - September 29

Today, we stayed in Leon. This was a rest day, and just our second rest day so far this journey.. It was a pretty low-key and relaxing day.. One big highlight is that we took all of our laungry to a laundry service.. It cost a little bit, but we were prepared to pay to have our clothes properly cleaned and dried.. Most days, we hand wash our walking clothes in a sink - either a designated laundry sink, or else in the bathroom sink if that is the only option.. There is a phrase I´ve been using a lot on this trip, and particularly with my long-sleeved shirts, which I wear occasionally in the mornings and the evenings. When I pull them out of my pack, I often say, ¨This smells like bag..¨ And trust me, it´s not the most pleasant smell in the world to be wearing.. Mostly old and stale smelling.. So imagine my delight when after having our laundry properly done, my shirts no longer smell like bag.. They will soon, but for now, they just smell clean!
We also took some time to wander around Leon. It is a really beautiful city. Lots of old buildings, old fortress walls, fountains, sculptures, and statues. It has a lot of character. And in this city, as in many other places we´ve visited, the streets come alive at night. The Spanish schedule is  quite different from what we´re used to. Stores, bars and restaurants are open until 1 or 2 pm, and then closed for the afternoon siesta. Things open again around 5pm, and restaurants usually start serving supper around 7. The pilgrims and tourists eat on the early side, and the locals eat around 8:30 or 9 pm. And in those mid-evening hours, the streets are jammed with people, and full of noise. Sometimes the streets are so busy, it is hard to move through them. It is not unusual to see children running around and families visiting at 9pm or later.. In the cool of the evening hours, the city really becomes vibrant and loud and full of life.. 
It was a great stop in Leon, but now we prepare for another two weeks of walking. If all goes according to plan, our next rest days will be in Santiago, which is our end destination..
As always, many blessings to you all,

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