Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Camino Day 2 - September 8

So, day 2 of the Camino.. We walked about 23 km today, from Roncevalles to Zubiri. We found a great market in the morning for some fresh fruit, and then stopped in another town a bit later on for coffee.. Stopped again further along the route for lunch, and made it in to Zubiri around supper time.. Only about 9 hours of travelling time today, so our day was much shorter than the day before. The walking was largely downhill, which is hard on the body in a different way.. Especially hard on the feet.. But, bodywise I am feeling pretty good.. No blisters, no pain.. Mostly achy feet, and achy shoulders from time to time.. My pack is heavy to lift it from the ground, but it fits comfortably, and after a while, I almost forget I am wearing it.. 

One of the things I am really enjoying so far is the people.. We met some lovely people again today.. There are people of many ages and nationalities walking the Camino, and varied fitness levels.. Most of the people we have met are older than us.. A man I walked with for a while on day 1 - Ray from Virginia - is turning 79 today.. Unreal.. Many in their sixties plus.. Many are walking and some are cycling.. We have not seen anyone travelling by horseback, although that is apparently an option..

Today was  definitely an easier day for me.. It was still very hot, and the climbing pieces seemed to come in the open sun in the heat of the day, but it was still easier..  And the scenery was again incredible.. We ended the day with a great meal at a restaurant near the albergue.. And we were in a room for 4 tonight.. Us plus a mother and daughter from England.. Many of the other rooms held about 20, so  I guess we arrived at just the right moment..

So, another day finished..On to day 3..

Blessings to you all,

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