Monday, October 27, 2014

Camino Day 35 - October 11

Something miraculous happened today in Galicia.. It didn't rain!! We had thick fog in the early morning, clouds later on, and at times it looked like it could rain, but it then got very hot and sunny in the afternoon.. It was so nice to walk for a day without rain.. As a result, my shoes are now dry.. Rob's are drying, but not quite dry yet.. Despite wet shoes, though, our feet have been good.. Wet shoes often lead quickly to blisters, but no  sign of blisters yet for either of us since the wet shoe episode.
Today we walked 22km from Ribadiso to Arca do Pino. We saw more lovely scenery today, which I enjoyed even more in the sun! We walked through a number of small hamlets, and across dirt paths, stone paths, and through forests. Many of the homes we passed today had lots of flowers and huge palm trees outside. For some reason, it had never occurred to me that there would be palm trees in Spain, but it turns out there are actually lots of them.. I enjoyed holding my head up and looking around today, which I haven't  always been doing in the last few days of wind and rain.. I really enjoyed all I was seeing, and felt very content "just walking.."

This is our second last day of walking, which feels really strange.. Both of us have been feeling what I often do as something of any length comes to a close - I am still trying to be in the moment and take in as much as I can, but part of me is entering into closure mode, and feeling ready to be done. So it is with this Camino for me. I am feeling both ready and sad at the prospect of arriving in Santiago and finishing walking.. The wet weather, my shin pain, and having walked for over a month are all certainly contributing to my feeling ready to be finished, but at the same time, I am so enjoying both the walking and the rhythm of the days. After 35 days of this, it has become my new routine, and I have loved it! All being well, though, tomorrow will be our last day. It really feels surreal..

Many blessings from Northern Spain to wherever you may be,



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