Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Camino Day 31 - October 7

First of all, today marks one month since we began walking.. Hard to believe!
Today got off to another rough start for me.. We set out from Fonfria and were planning to walk 9 km to a larger community and stop there for breakfast. But as we walked, the pain in my shin got worse and worse, especially during downhill stretches. By the time we got 5 km to Filloval, I was in a lot of pain and in tears. I wasn't sure how far I could walk, or if I could even keep going at all. We stopped at a lovely bar in Filloval. Between a really good breakfast, a rest, and some more painkillers, I felt much better. I still didn't know how far I could go, but I knew I could keep going.. (It seems as though this pain is an every second-day thing..)
Well, this turned out to be our longest walking day yet, and was quite fine for me after the breakfast break.. We walked just over 30 km from Fonfria to Sarria. We had considered stopping before Sarria, but Sarria is a larger centre. Rob thought that if I needed a doctor or other medical help, Sarria would be a better bet. And, being a larger place, it would have more options of places to stay, and we were hoping for a private room, which is what we ended up finding fairly easily. By the time we arrived, I was feeling good, and didn't go to a doctor, but did go to see a pharmacist, and got some cream to relax muscles and ease pain..
The other challenge of the day was the ground condition. More specifically mud.. And added to that, we were walking past a lot of farmyards, and past a lot of cattle.. In these areas, there are often farms right in the communities, and animals are walked right through the streets of town from pasture to barn. (Warning: explicit content ahead..) I told Rob that the game of the day was called "Dodge the Droppings," and especially in the muddy stretches, where we really weren't sure if the soft brown stuff we were stepping in was mud or something else.. It was kind of gross, but also kind of amusing..
Aside from the pain, the mud, and the weather (rainy and very windy at times), I actually really enjoyed the walk today. We wound up and down paths in the forest, past farmyards, and a bit alongside the road. We walked through one wooded area that looked to me like an enchanted forest. It was closed in on the sides and overhead by trees, and the tree trunks were all green with moss. The whole area seemed to glow green, and there was something magical about it all.
Today felt a bit like a marathon, and had lots of ups and downs (elevation wise and emotionally), but we got through it just fine.
Hope all is well where you are..
p.s. - Day 2 in Galicia ("The rainy region") .. Day 2 of rain..

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