Monday, October 13, 2014

Camino Day 26 - October 2

Today marks one month since we left home on this great adventure.. That seems so hard to believe.. Today was a shorter walking day - only 20 km from Astorga to Rabanal del Camino. After a longer day yesterday, it felt good to have a short day.. But it turned out to feel like a long day.. Between climbing and hot sun, we were pretty wiped by the end of the day.. We had actually thought of walking father than Rabanal, but once we got that far, we knew it was time to stop for the night..

Along the journey a few times, the way (the path) has had chain link fence on either side, sometimes for long stretches. In those places, people have woven sticks and twigs and branches and other such things into the links to create crosses. In some places, the whole fence is just packed with them. Today, we saw something new.. There was a wooded stretch not long before Rabanal, and there was a chain link fence across one side.. Again, people had woven twigs to create crosses. But this time, the crosses were wrapped with various materials in various bright colours. There were scarves and scraps of fabric, twine, plastic cord, and even beads. Some were quite faded from weather and time, and some still quite brilliant. There were a number of us walking through that area at the same time, and what I noticed is how quiet it was. Everyone was walking in silence, looking and the crosses, and possibly thinking - as I was - of the many people who have walked the Camino before us, and have left these signs and symbols in the forest.. 

On this  journey, we are certainly not alone..



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