Monday, October 13, 2014

Camino Day 28 - October 4

Today was a much better day for me. It started with a really good night´s sleep, and an easier walking day. We walked 23 km from Molinaseca to Cacabelos. A couple of hours into our day, we arrived at Ponferrada, which has a really amazing castle that looks like something out of the movies. The Castillo de los Templarios was originally finished in 1282, but has been extensively modified and renovated since. It was a castle of the Knights Templar. We looked around it a bit, and took some pictures there, but had to move on as our day was taking us further..

The rest of the day´s walk was pretty uneventful, and went smoothly.. 

I know I have talked a bit about the people we´ve met on the way. A couple of days ago, we encountered a group of women from France. There are 17 women walking together. We´ve crossed paths with them many times over the past two days, and have chatted with some of them a bit.. Today, as we were arriving at Cacabelos, we were approaching a rest area, and saw a group of people gathered there.. As we got closer, I said to Rob, "I wonder if those are the French women?" A moment later, they spotted us, and this great group of people waved and said all together (and enthusiastically), "Allo, les Canadiens!" (Hello Canadians!) We exchanged hellos and carried on. Both Rob and I said that totally made our day.. Even though we don´t know the names of most of the people we meet, we get to know the faces, and we chat as we walk, and we end up creating community. It is good to see familiar faces again, and especially to be greeted so warmly by people we hardly know..

Oh, one more thing about today.. In Cacabelos, where we stayed the night, we came across our first Pulperias. We understand we will see lots more.. A Pulperia is a restaurant, and pulpo = octopus.. We both understand this is a great delicacy in Spain, but neither of us intend to try it ourselves.. Just seeing the pulperia signs make us both cringe a little.. However, we know lots of others eager to give it a try..  

Hope you all are keeping well..
Many blessings,

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