Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Sabbatical - What and Why?

In just a few days, my sabbatical leave will begin. This sabbatical has been in the works for about a year and a half. According to information provided by The United Church of Canada (the denomination with and for whom I work), "Sabbatical leave for ministry personnel is a planned time of at least three consecutive months of paid leave as intensive enhancement for ministry and mission. This extended time is in addition to vacation and study leave, and is qualitatively different from a 'vacation' or 'days off.' It is an opportunity for the individual to disengage strategically from regular tasks to view ministry and mission from a new perspective. Sabbatical leave is an extension of the biblical concept of a sabbath day and a sabbath year for renewal. It is both an act of faith that God will sustain us through a period of reflection, and an occasion for recovery and renewal of vital energies."

UCC ministers who have served at least five consecutive years in the same ministry are eligible for sabbatical. I have now served seven years in my current ministry, and have just begun year eight. I really do love my work. But I'm also aware that I'm tired. It feels like the right time for a break of this sort, to rest and renew and recharge. I look forward to the time of sabbatical, and look forward to stepping back from the daily tasks of ministry, although I do know that I'll miss the work, the routine, and especially the people.
I am keenly aware that not everyone has an opportunity such as this available to them. I am deeply grateful to the people of the congregation I serve for this opportunity. I really hope to approach and embrace this sabbatical leave as a gift, as an opportunity to do some further learning, and as an opportunity to rest and renew my energies both for my own sake, and in order to offer the best I have to those I work with.

I have some goals already in place for my sabbatical leave. They include taking some time to really rest (mind-body-spirit), spending some time with my spouse, engaging intentionally in daily spiritual practices, and nurturing my own inner spiritual life. I also have some more particular goals, which I may speak to in future blog posts. But amidst the goals I've already set for myself, I also want to leave room for new goals to emerge, or for existing goals to shift as the time goes along. I want to leave room for the Spirit to be at work in my midst, and to lead me along the way. I don't want this time to only be about my own goals, but I want to be able to hear God's voice, and see where God is calling me to be and what God is calling me to do. And, I also want to leave some room just to be. It's easy for me to get so caught up in the 'doing' of everyday life. I look forward to some time to focus on the 'being.'

In my next post, I'll be sharing a bit more about my specific sabbatical plans.. But this is part of the big picture 'what and why' for me when it comes to this sabbatical leave..  As always, I welcome your questions and comments..



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